"1995/2015" by Winona Bechtle
I'm fairly certain it is stitched on a pillow somewhere that life happens in all those in-between moments when you're not making massive...
"Thinspiration! Realizing waif status through self-loathing" by S.R.
Tuesday Home, smoking, with two friends. Friend #1 (female) leaves. Friend #2 (male) and I sit in silence until he slides over and...

"Robot/Autonomous" by Jennifer Jahncke
So I was working on this sort of odd self portrait project. It shows self portraits of two extreme sides of me: Robot-Jennifer and...
"Inheritance" by Eva Valenti
You, too, Once felt the shiver of this particular silk against your neck As you prepared to go out For the (morning? afternoon?) Would...

WOMYN YOU SHOULD KNOW feat. Olivia Buntaine & Alex Washburn
When thinking of the next womyn you should know, the first to come to my mind were power couple Olivia Buntaine and Alex Washburn....
untitled by Rebecca Clingman
Kids always want to sit at the front of the first subway car, which has the big plate-glass window, so that they can watch the big dark...
THE PROCESS OF WEEDING OUT: "Beauty" with Ali Marks
Beauty has always been a hard subject for me. Beauty is strange, esoteric, and hard to grasp when I don’t always feel like I fit in my...

"#BodyProbs" by Annie Nishida
Fuck that boy in seventh grade that sat across from me in homeroom. Every day, he’d greet me with a friendly, “Annie is f-f-f-fat.” It...

untitled photo series on beauty by Regina Mogilevskaya
"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." - Ray...
"A Conversation with a Beautiful Woman, my mom" by Leah Donnella
I remember being gawky, and ten, with braces, a frizzy mop of hair in a bun, and bad posture. I wore gray leisure pants and a t-shirt...